河南大学淮河医院发展战略研究 医院发展战略

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河南大学淮河医院发展战略研究 医院发展战略












Asia In ternational Open University (M acau)


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I confirm that the material contained within this thesis is all my own work. Where the work of others has been drawn upon,it has been properly acknowledged and referenced according to the rules set by the ”Research and Oral Examination Guid eline for MBA Thesis,the Asia International Open University (Macau).”No material in this thesis has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other university. I agree that this thesis can be available for reference in library as well as internal teaching and researching use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from this thesis may be cited without proper, acknowledgement.

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递交日期Date of Submission:_____________________









To win the continue competitive advantage in current complex and multivariate circumstance and to explore further development, huai-he hospital of henna university must have an overall conscious cognition of self-advantage and self-disadvantage ,opportunity and challenge and also apply strategy administrative thought to manage hospital, and work out development strategy to fit practical condition of hospital.

Full text is divided seven chapters. Firstly, according to vocation background and general condition of huai-he hospital, brief introduction of outer circumstance of policy, economy, technique and culture were made. Secondly, current situation of medical vocation in kaifeng city was analyzed detailedly. Furthermore, analytical model of baud five sort of strength was inducted and outer circumstance of hospital was analysis normally. Finally, it can be draw a conclusion that threaten degree facing with hospital was middle or low, but certain aspects had an increasing tendency.

Furtherly, internal environment of hospital including organization and structure, human resources, medical level, scientific research technique, financial affair,marketing management ability and informationization were analyzed ,and the conclusion was brand and well-known ,medical technique ,financial revenue ,medical facility can provide continue competitive advantage . The shortage and requiring improve were scientific research ability, administrative cost, human resources and marketing ability.

Meanwhile, analytical model of matrix analysis was applied and opportunity, threaten, superiority, inferiority for hospital were matched strategy. Combining practical condition, overall development strategy of huai-he hospital, that is ‘ bold development strategy’ was proposed .

Huai-he hospital was striving to be domestic nameable affiliated hospital in accommodate with he-nan university.

Finally, strategy operating direction of huai-he hospital including reform of administrative organization and structure, logistics socialization ,personnel system and

raising patient satisfaction ,human resources management, subjects construction, marketing management were expounded.

Keys: Huai-he hospital; environmental analysis; development strategy


谢辞.............................................................. I 版权和参考资料的引用声明............................................ II 中文摘要........................................................... III Abstract ............................................................ IV 目录............................................................. VI 表目录............................................................ IX 图目录............................................................. X 第一章绪论. (1)

1.1问题的背景 (1)

1.2研究的问题及研究目的 (1)

1.2.1 研究的问题 (1)

1.2.2 研究目的 (2)

1.3 待答问题 (2)

1.4研究范围和限制 (2)

第二章文献的评论 (3)

2.1 战略内涵及战略管理 (3)

2.1.1战略内涵 (3)

2.1.2战略管理 (3)

2.2 战略理论主要流派评述 (3)

2.2.1战略管理的设计学派 (4)

2.2.2战略管理的结构学派 (4)

2.2.3战略管理的能力学派 (4)

2.2.4 战略管理的资源学派 (5)

2.3 医院战略管理国内外研究现状 (5)

2.3.1 医院战略管理国外研究状况 (5)

2.3.2医院战略管理国内研究状况 (6)

第三章研究方法与设计 (8)

3.1 研究对象 (8)

3.2 研究方法与过程 (8)

3.2.1研究的方法 (8)

3.2.2 材料收集与过程 (8)

3.3 研究分析工具 (9)

3.3.1行业竞争分析五力模型 (9)

3.3.2 SWOT矩阵分析模型 (10)

第四章医院外部环境分析 (11)

4.1 宏观环境分析 (11)

4.1.1政策环境分析 (11)

4.1.2经济环境分析 (14)

4.1.3技术环境分析 (16)

4.1.4社会文化环境分析 (17)

4.2 区域环境分析 (18)

4.2.1区域经济环境对医院影响 (19)

4.2.2 开封市医疗市场需求状况 (19)

4.2.3开封医疗机构分布对医院发展的影响 (19)

4.3 行业竞争五力模型分析 (20)

4.3.1现有竞争者分析 (21)

4.3.2潜在进入者分析 (23)

4.3.3替代品的威胁 (24)

4.3.4供应商讨价还价能力 (25)

4.3.5患者讨价还价能力 (25)

4.4 小结 (26)

第五章医院内部环境分析 (27)

5.1 诊疗就医环境分析 (27)

5.1.1优越的地理位置 (27)

5.1.2良好门诊就医环境 (27)

5.1.3 医疗设备配置: (27)

5.1.4较好的社会声誉品牌 (28)

5.2 组织结构与管理分析 (28)

5.3 人力资源分析 (30)

5.3.1人才结构不合理 (30)

5.3.2 经营成本过高 (30)

5.3.3 人员管理难度较大 (30)

5.3.4人员培训上缺乏计划性 (31)

5.3.5缺乏有效激励机制 (31)

5.4 医疗水平分析 (31)

5.5 科研技术分析 (31)

5.6 财务状况分析 (32)

5.7 市场状况、营销能力分析 (33)

5.8 医院信息化分析 (34)

5.9 小结 (34)

第六章战略制定 (35)

6.1 医院SWOT矩阵分析 (35)

6.1.1外部环境分析 (35)

6.1.2内部条件分析 (36)

6.1.3 战略匹配 (38)

6.2 制定发展战略 (39)

6.2.1与淮河医院相适应的发展战略 (39)

6.2.2淮河医院战略目标 (40)

第七章战略实施 (42)

7.1行政组织机构改革 (42)

7.2 后勤社会化改革 (44)

7.3 人事制度改革 (44)

7.4 提高满意度建立服务体系 (46)

7.5 提高医院核心竞争力 (49)

7.5.1加强人力资源管理 (49)

7.5.2加强学科建设 (49)

7.6 加强财务管理 (50)

7.7 加强市场营销管理 (50)

7.8 加强医院环境建设 (51)

第八章结论 (53)

参考文献 (54)


表3-1 SW0T矩阵分析法 (10)

表4-1 2003-2007城镇和农村居民家庭恩格尔系数表 (15)

表4-2 各医院主要指标对比(2006年度) (21)

表4-3与两家二级甲等医院主要指标对比(2006年度) (22)

表4-4 专科医院主要指标对比(2006年度) (23)

表5-1 2005年------2007年财务表(单位万元) (32)

表5-2 2005年-----2007年院经济收入、科研设备投入标 (33)

表6-1淮河医院SWOT 分析 (39)

表7-1 淮河医院现有机关行政科室设置 (42)

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